Hospital Security

Hospital Security Guard

Florida Security Guard Services provides hospital security guard services to medical facilities and hospitals throughout Florida. Our hospital security guards are trained to provide a safe and secure environment for patients, staff, and visitors. They are responsible for monitoring for potential safety hazards or security threats, such as disorderly conduct, theft, or violence. Our hospital security guards are also trained in conflict resolution and patient safety to provide a positive experience for patients and visitors. With our hospital security services, clients can rest assured that their medical facility is protected and their safety and security are maintained.

Access Control

Our hospital security guards monitor and control access to the hospital, ensuring that only authorized personnel and visitors are allowed to enter.


Our security guards patrol the hospital to detect any unusual activity or potential security threats.


We use advanced surveillance equipment to monitor the hospital for any potential security threats or safety hazards.

Emergency Response

Our hospital security guards are trained to respond to emergencies, such as medical emergencies or natural disasters. They provide assistance and coordinate with emergency services to ensure the safety of all individuals involved.o.

Patient Safety

Our hospital security guards are trained to ensure the safety and security of patients, including preventing patient elopement and monitoring high-risk patients.

Conflict Resolution

Our hospital security guards are trained in conflict resolution to handle potentially dangerous situations calmly and professionally. They use their training to de-escalate situations before they become violent.

Loss Prevention

We provide loss prevention services to help hospitals prevent theft, shoplifting, and other forms of criminal activity.

Mobile Patrols

Our mobile patrol services are designed to provide hospitals with a highly visible security presence, deterring potential criminal activity.



Frequently Asked Questions

The role of a hospital security guard is to provide a safe and secure environment for patients, staff, and visitors. They monitor the hospital for potential safety hazards or security threats, respond to emergencies, and provide assistance and coordination with emergency services.

Hospital security guards receive specialized training in areas such as access control, patrolling, surveillance, emergency response, patient safety, conflict resolution, and customer service. They are also required to meet state-specific licensing and training requirements. Florida Security Guard Services provides comprehensive training to all of our hospital security guards to ensure they are well-prepared for their duties.

Hospital security guards can prevent violence in the workplace by monitoring for potential security threats, deterring potential violent behavior, and responding quickly and appropriately to any incidents. They may also provide conflict resolution services and work with hospital staff to develop safety protocols and procedures.

 A hospital security guard is a private security professional who is hired by a hospital to provide security services. A police officer is a public servant who is employed by a government agency to enforce the law and provide public safety. While both may respond to security incidents, a hospital security guard has a narrower focus on protecting a specific medical facility, while a police officer has a broader focus on enforcing the law and maintaining public safety.

Hospital security guards provide a range of services, including access control, patrolling, surveillance, emergency response, patient safety, conflict resolution, and loss prevention. They work to maintain a safe and secure environment for patients, staff, and visitors, and provide assistance and coordination with emergency services as needed.

Hospital security guards are not medical professionals and cannot provide direct patient care. However, they can assist with patient transport, monitor high-risk patients, and coordinate with medical staff in emergency situations.

Hospital security guards ensure patient safety by monitoring patients who are at risk of elopement, preventing violent behavior, and responding to medical emergencies. They are also trained to de-escalate potentially dangerous situations, ensuring that patients are safe and secure at all times.

Contact Us

Get In Touch


1176 Saint Francis Way, Portland
Oregon USA


+1 (234) 567 890
+0 987 654 321


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